Sunday, 18 August 2013

Solving NAVRANG Cube

How to Solve N.A.V.R.A.N.G  CUBE:

N.A.V.R.A.N.G  Cube is a six- faced cube made up of 27 smaller cubes - there are 9 different colour cubes and for each colour set there are 3 identical cubes.The cube looks similar to RUBIC Cube. The cube is said to be solved when each of the faces has 9 different colour cubes ie. there is no repetition of same colour cube at any face.

Analogy - N.A.V.R.A.N.G Cube with Organization Management:

The solving of N.A.V.R.A.N.G cube is somewhat like solving the problems of Organisation Management. As the cubes of same traits do not appear at the same face so should not be the people or resources of same skills and characters appear at the same strata - else there may be ego clash or skill deficiency. As the colours of the rainbow or here the N.A.V.R.A.N.G Cube each strata or division of an Organisation should be made up of different types of people so that the organisation structure is holistic and multidimensional.
Solving the cube is similar solving any solution in an organization as all the steps are pre-decided and it has to be followed in the same order. If a step goes wrong whole process of Cube forming goes wrong. Same is the case with organization, one step goes wrong you have to do the whole process again.

But while doing that the management also needs to channelize these whole diverse set of resources towards the common organisation goal else it may lead to complete organizational failure.

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