First Look at the Video :-
The whole story is of three monks in a monastery.It depicts how they evolved one by one slowly and tried out different methods in their day to day work of bringing water to the monastery .
There are three scenarios:
1st scenario:
In this case,the first monk goes down the hill with two empty buckets at the two sides of the stick and fills it with water and carries it back uphil to the monastery.
2nd scenario:
In the second case , there are two monks carrying a single bucket downhill by holding a stick from two sides with the bucket hanging in the middle.Then they fill it with water and bring it uphill.
3rd sccenario:
Here,there are three monks using pulley and rope to lift the water from below and each of them doing a specific job i.e. one of them filling water and tying it to the rope ,other one lifting the bucket with the help of a rope and deattaches the rope and the third one takes it to the monastery ,empties it and brings it back to the second person.
The transformation of the first method to the second method shows continuous innovation and the third method shows drastic innovation.
Continuous innovation does need fundamental change in the dynamics of the process ,it updates or enhances the existing one whereas Drastic innovation is the complete out of the box thinking that can altogether add a new dimension to the overall efficiency.
Similarly in a business scenario,continuous and drastic innovation can spur an organization towards success by integrating business,organizational,process,technology,marketing and product innovation.

Theory X and Theory Y :
Here ,it is proved that monks are like theory X employees as they did not want to work when others are present displaying lazy and lacklustre attitude.They will only work when there is someone with a stick in his hand in front of them.Similar thing happened in this story when there was disastrous fire in the temple,it led to a dangerous situation which gave them a virtual kick in their back to bring water.
The interpretation of the story espouses the virtue of teamwork and organizational planning.Without these virtues they looked like a lost lot.
Synergy is what helps all the members of the team to use their potential to the fullest and display a result which is more than the sum of the potential of all the members.
It fetches far greater output than all the individual outputs summed up because teamwork leads to more creativity,more dedication and motivation and growth of superior decision making ability.
This was the case when all of them had put a determined effort to stop the fire.They came up with a creative idea of using a pulley and rope to lift water to such a height from below without much effort .The scientific management came into play as they were able to find out the best technical method possible to do the work with the limited resources.
When there were three monks,each of them expected that some or the other would bring the water but atlast none of them turned up.But when there was fire in the temple ,all of them together devised a plan to extinguish it selflessly.This shows that when in danger ,people tend to understand that unity is strength and it also leads to springing up of new innovative ideas.
2nd scenario:
In the second case , there are two monks carrying a single bucket downhill by holding a stick from two sides with the bucket hanging in the middle.Then they fill it with water and bring it uphill.
3rd sccenario:
Here,there are three monks using pulley and rope to lift the water from below and each of them doing a specific job i.e. one of them filling water and tying it to the rope ,other one lifting the bucket with the help of a rope and deattaches the rope and the third one takes it to the monastery ,empties it and brings it back to the second person.
The transformation of the first method to the second method shows continuous innovation and the third method shows drastic innovation.
Continuous innovation does need fundamental change in the dynamics of the process ,it updates or enhances the existing one whereas Drastic innovation is the complete out of the box thinking that can altogether add a new dimension to the overall efficiency.
Similarly in a business scenario,continuous and drastic innovation can spur an organization towards success by integrating business,organizational,process,technology,marketing and product innovation.

Theory X and Theory Y :
Here ,it is proved that monks are like theory X employees as they did not want to work when others are present displaying lazy and lacklustre attitude.They will only work when there is someone with a stick in his hand in front of them.Similar thing happened in this story when there was disastrous fire in the temple,it led to a dangerous situation which gave them a virtual kick in their back to bring water.
The interpretation of the story espouses the virtue of teamwork and organizational planning.Without these virtues they looked like a lost lot.
Synergy is what helps all the members of the team to use their potential to the fullest and display a result which is more than the sum of the potential of all the members.
It fetches far greater output than all the individual outputs summed up because teamwork leads to more creativity,more dedication and motivation and growth of superior decision making ability.
This was the case when all of them had put a determined effort to stop the fire.They came up with a creative idea of using a pulley and rope to lift water to such a height from below without much effort .The scientific management came into play as they were able to find out the best technical method possible to do the work with the limited resources.
When there were three monks,each of them expected that some or the other would bring the water but atlast none of them turned up.But when there was fire in the temple ,all of them together devised a plan to extinguish it selflessly.This shows that when in danger ,people tend to understand that unity is strength and it also leads to springing up of new innovative ideas.
Continuous improvement, and Disruptive innovation are the TWO concepts that are in usage. Both are important.. they come in alternatively..